066-1117 – Gimisapun – Tlianke/Hinterworlds

9 Salas 1117: Gimisapun – Tlianke/Hinterworlds (1103 A000000-B Lo Ni As Ba 603 Na M0 V M2 D)

We didn’t really do much else last night. We hung out at the 7th Parsec another hour or so then went back to the Chrysalis. I think both of us were still feeling a few effects from the night before.

Today we didn’t see much of each other. The Flatlander had been towed into airdock, and Kona had gone to oversee the start of the repairs. I had to finish finalizing the restock and loading of the Grayswandir.

We finally got together at a place called the Fusion Flareout. We had a meal and a few beers. Well, more than a few. At any rate, she updated me on the status. Apparently, the ship had more damage than she had thought and she was having more problems, and more expenses, than she had expected. I tried to comfort her.

“You’ll have to take a loan,” I said. “Hey, I have one. A big one. But… I’ve known you long enough to know that you’re good at what you do. You can easily make a profit off the Flatlander. So you’ll pay an extra bill every month for a dozen years. It’ll still be your ship.”

She was still upset, not wanting me to know something. “I just wish…”

“That you hadn’t given me full cargo rights? I did tell you I was surprised by that.” I pulled out my comp and tapped on it for a moment, then flicked it towards her. “Consider it an investment.”

Her eyes unfocused for a second as she checked what I had sent her, then they widened. “That’s… that’s 2 megacreds!”

I shrugged. “If we come through here again just… remember me, OK?”

She gasped and threw her arms around me. “Thank you, Derek! Thank you!”

I smiled as I stroked her back. “Hey, I’m still ahead on this deal. And… Yeah. I really want you to succeed at this.”

She looked at me, a curious look in her eyes. “Really?”

I smiled back and nodded. “Yeah. I’ve been at this long enough to know who has the drive and willingness to do what they need to succeed. Most people I meet, don’t. You do.”

She regarded me for a long moment, her expression turning serious. “That… that means a lot to me. Thank you, Derek.”

I leaned forward and kissed her. “You can thank me later.”

“How about I thank you now?”

“Works for me.”

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